For convenience, tuition is payable in equal monthly installments. It is based on the number of lesson weeks per year, not on the number of lessons per month which varies. Tuition is prorated when a student begins. The prorated amount will be calculated by the office. Monthly class fees are collected via easy, no-hassle pre-authorized debit/credit card payment and are set up at registration. In addition to tuition, there is a non-refundable annual administration fee of $45/student or $65/family due upon initial enrollment and on September 1 of each year thereafter. This fee helps to offset the administrative cost of maintaining student(s) in our studio-class-management system each year and helps keep the monthly tuition costs lower. The administration fee also goes toward helping offset some of the costs of our recitals, insurance, ASCAP music license fees, and Studio communication costs – all separate expenses from class tuition. We provide our students and parents with customer service from 8:00 a.m. to closing every day with full-time receptionist help. The office staff is available so that you may call at any time to have your questions answered, and the teachers can concentrate on teaching. Our teachers do not handle administrative issues so they can be free to concentrate on student instruction.
*Sibling and multi-class discount offered for group classes
Ready to get started?
Take the next step call 561-877-2435 or text us at 954-546-1871 to grab a great lesson time as space is limited. Or you can request more info.